5-Class Package: Mon Eve Series 03-07 to 04-04: The Confidence to Change
5-Week Class Package: Mon Eve Series: The Confidence to Change:
Monday, Mar 7 – Mar 14 – Mar 21 – Mar 28 – April 04, 2022
Teachings with Gen Rigpa
7:30 – 9:00 PM
In Person & Livestream
Includes video replays
Everyone Welcome
We all want to be more confident and happy, leading a more harmonious and fulfilling life. But when we try to change, we are often faced with the fear of the unknown. We often choose the comfort of what we know – even if it causes us unhappiness – over the perceived hurdles of change and growth. So often we find it difficult to actually change ourselves and create what we long for in our life. Instead, we feel stuck in unhealthy and unhappy habits.
Buddha’s teachings on how the mind works help us to understand what it is we need to change, as well as giving us the confidence and skill to bring the desired changes about. Through applying these methods, we can begin to have the joyful and meaningful life we all long for.
This package gives access at a reduced rate to the 5 remaining classes in this series, via livestream or in person, plus the video replays.
Classes at Kadampa Meditation Center LA
General Program (GP) classes are drop-in by nature. These classes are suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. The classes are designed to help those looking for Buddhist wisdom to help with stress relief and relaxation, as well as those interested in exploring the nature of the mind, and pursuing the Buddhist path.
Classes explore the basic framework of Buddhist teachings and meditation and explain how to use Buddha’s advice in our daily lives to solve our problems. All General Program classes are based on commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
A typical class consists of a guided relaxation meditation, a teaching based on the meditation topic, and final contemplative meditation. Although classes are given in a series around one specific theme, they can also be taken individually, as each class topic is self-contained.
GP classes last approximately one to 1.5 hours. Chairs and cushions are provided by the Center. There is no physical exercise, yoga, or stretching involved.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of belief; you do not need to be Buddhist to attend.