
Meditation Classes for Everyone


About Classes at Kadampa Meditation Center LA

General Program (GP) classes are suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. While classes are given in a series around one specific theme, they are drop-in in nature and can be taken individually, as each class topic is self-contained. The classes are designed to help those looking for Buddhist wisdom to help with stress relief and relaxation, as well as those interested in exploring the nature of the mind, and pursuing the Buddhist path.

Classes consists of a guided relaxation meditation, a teaching based on the meditation topic, and final contemplative meditation. Chairs and cushions are provided by the Center. No special clothing is required, and there is no physical exercise, yoga, or stretching involved. Everyone is welcome, regardless of belief; you do not need to be Buddhist to attend.

Kadampa Meditation Center LA

4953 Franklin Ave.

Getting to the Center

Getting to the Center is simple. We're on the corner of Franklin Ave and Kenmore in the neighborhood of Los Feliz. Street parking is available in the surrounding neighborhoods, usually within a block or two of the Center's front door.