Gen Rigpa giving Vajrapani Empowerment

Relying Upon Buddha Vajrapani for Spiritual Power

This weekend 120 people came to the center to receive from our kind teacher, the blessing empowerment of Vajrapani, the Buddha of Spiritual Power. The room transformed into a  pure land in which we received special blessings, and developed a profound relationship with this very powerful Buddha who is known for helping us destroy all outer and inner obstacles. And during these times when there is so much sickness and so many obstacles, our connection with Vajrapani can become stronger than ever.  

For the very first time at KMCLA, Gen Rigpa also shared special teachings that came directly from Geshe-la on the very powerful healing practice in conjunction with the Migtsema Prayer. If you were not able to make it to the weekend, no worries at all, we will have another opportunity to train in this healing practice and to connect with Buddha Vajrapani next Saturday.

  • KMC LA Meditation room filled with people
  • Gen Rigpa teaching in large crowd
  • Gen Rigpa giving Vajrapani Empowerment
  • Vajrapani Empowerment Shrine
  • Kadampas waiting outside

Who is Buddha Vajrapani?
Vajrapani is an emanation of Buddha Vajradhara whose function is to destroy the delusions of living beings by bestowing special power on their body and mind. Vajrapani means “Vajra Holder,” indicating that he is the holder of Secret Mantra, the lineage holder of Buddha’s Tantric teachings. The actual vajra is the union of great bliss and emptiness—the subtlest blissful mind’s direct realization of ultimate truth—which has the power to cut through all delusions. By engaging in the self-generation sadhana (or ritual prayers for spiritual attainments) of Vajrapani we can destroy all our delusions, and eventually attain the union of great bliss and emptiness.