

Kadampa Meditation Center LA is a modern Buddhist temple and Meditation Center nestled in the heart of Los Feliz. We offer daily classes on inner peace, modern Kadampa Buddhism and meditation.

Every day, we offer classes, events and guided meditations that fit your needs and inclinations. The main purpose is to help you experience peace of mind, which is a result of meditation.

Everyone is welcome! We do not discriminate based on race, gender, background, age, religion, politics, sexual orientation, or otherwise — everyone is always welcome at KMC LA and other Kadampa Centers around the world.

Special Events

The Healing Power of MigtsemaAwakening the Heart
ImageHighest Yoga Tantra Retreat



Kadampa Meditation Center LA is a 501(c )3 non-profit organization and a member of the New Kadampa Tradition - International Buddhist Union. All class and event proceeds go towards continuing programming costs. KMC LA is run by volunteers - learn more about volunteering here.


When we meditate, the turbulence of our usual distracting thoughts subside and our mind becomes still. We can then experience a deep happiness and contentment that naturally arises from within.